Saturday, July 28, 2007

Praise God!

The last two days I've had the opportunity to hang out with a few different guys that are on the front lines of ministry. I feel so priveleged and honored to be apart of what God is doing through the network of pastors that have developed here on the north side of Pittsburgh! In the next few days I'm going to do a few posts about a personal core value I have: Always being connected to something greater. Doing this provides support, accountability and momentum. But more on that later.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yet Another Reason I Hate Cats!

Many of you have probably already heard or read about this. But you know you're having a bad day when this little fella curls up next to you.

That's one cat you don't want to pet!

I See Jesus

I walk through life. I walk through pain. I walk through darkness. I walk through disappointment. I walk through a world filled with all that is wrong. And as I take my steps through this world I feel no reason to go on. I sense every fault of mankind. I know that the road I am walking is not one of ease or comfort. I know others have gone before and have not endured. But as I walk, I look up. I am looking for a reason to take my next step. For some beacon of light in the midst of the darkness. And then at the moment I feel I have nothing left to give, I see a faint figure off in the distance. As I continue to struggle on, it becomes clear that what I see is not of this world. There is no pain, no darkness, no disappointment. There standing before me is the reason I live. The reason I walk. There standing before me, beckoning me on, is my Savior. My reason to walk on. My light in the midst of darkness and pain. My crowning jewel of achievement. The symbol of all that can be right in this world. Why do I walk? Because I see Jesus.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What Do You See?

Tim Stevens posted part of an interview with Mark Beason today on his blog about how Jesus has become boring. Mark Beason, Senior Pastor of Granger Community Church, made a number of interesting points, but one thing really jumped out to me: People walk through our doors to see Jesus, not to go to church.

Wow! What a statement!! When I was in college I went with a group of friends on a trip to Chicago to visit Willow Creek and Moody Bible Institute. Although we didn't see the latter (and I'm still bitter about that!), we did experience all that is Willow Creek. One thing that really impressed me was how friendly the church was. For a church of 18,000 people to be known as friendly is pretty incredible. It really comes back to the point of what do people see when they walk through our doors?

We know the components that make up our 21st Century, American idea of "Church". We have worship, announcements, offering, maybe a special, and then we preach the word. But in all of that, what are people seeing? Are they seeing our impressive music program? Our creative ways to get people to put money in the plate? Our incredible communication skills? Or do they see Jesus? I have walked into too many churches hoping to see Jesus and rather I see "religion" or I sit back and enjoy a good "show". The movement in the last few years to be purpose-driven as a church is such a healthy thing. But being simply 'purpose-driven' isn't going to get us there. We need to be unwavering in keeping Jesus up front. Allowing everything we do to be seen through the screen of Christ. Whether we are setting up our greeting ministry or recruiting custodians, Christ needs to be forefront. As people walk into your building this Sunday morning, what will they see?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Great Friends!!

This weekend a number of friends from college are converging here at Allison Park. Bobby Hawk came in yesterday and is speaking here at APC at our weekend services. And my friend Andy Estrella is coming in today to speak at APC's Youth Impact this next week. It's going to be great to see these guys especially since this summer is the four year anniversary to the launching of Pontiac Family Worship Center - the church that Bobby pastors and Andy and I were apart of the launh team for. I am so blessed to have such incredible friends and the opportunity to see them on these, now rare, occasions!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Family Reunion

Yesterday was a great Church Picnic here at APC. It had to have been the biggest pot-luck dinner I've ever seen! For many APCers I'm sure it was just an average picnic, but wow, that was a ton of food!! After the picnic I went to a graduation party back in Irwin for a couple of my kids! It was great to see a bunch of my students-I really miss those guys!! It once again drove home to me the importance to invest not just principles and ideas into those I'm leading, but to invest my very life regardless of the expected outcome. I gave my all for those kids and would have gladly given my very life - not because I'm a mad man, but because of my love for them. And now God is developing in me a love and compassion in this new role. I love doing what I'm doing now and I pray that I will have the same desire and passion for the pastors and those I'm working with now that I had in Irwin. God is good and I can't wait to see the sacrifices and investments He has for me next!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

BridgePoint Church

Today I met with the Greg and Francie Krowitz. They are church planters that are planting Allison Park Church's 7th church. I was so excited to hear their vision for Tarentum and the Allegheny Valley. It was also encouraging to hear what God has already begun to do in the beginning stages of this work. I'm really looking forward to working with them and being an 'Aaron' in their lives, supporting them to see God accomplish all He desires in this community. I'm sure you'll be hearing more about this in the coming months, but please keep this new church, BridgePoint Church, in your prayers!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hidden Treasure

One weekend a father and son decide to explore the possible truth of a local urban legend that said there was buried treasure in their backyard. (I know-sounds crazy!) They went out and rented a metal-detector, put on some work clothes and pulled out the shovels. They were ready for a fun day of exploration. The father knew the legend was just a childish myth, but was looking forward to the valuable time with his son. As they began combing the backyard with the metal-detector, they soon came upon a shocking discovery. Apparently the sonar detected something in the ground by the shed. The son was thrilled. He screamed, "It's true! It's true!" After an hour of digging, though, the father decided to take a break and encouraged his son to come in and get cleaned up for dinner. The son, however, kept on digging. In fact, he was so convinced there was buried treasure he kept digging until dark. Finally, after hours of digging the son's shovel hit something solid. As he quickly moved the dirt aside, he realized he had found the treasure!! His dad came running out of the house and helped him pull the box out. His efforts had paid off!

Although this is just a story, there is a thread of reality here. Many church leaders have become so institutionalized that they have lost their Christ-like vision. Let me explain. In the story the father sees the 'legend' as simply a childish myth. As something that isn't actually true. The son, however, sees things from a different perspective. His vision is open and fresh and alive. He doesn't see a myth, but he sees potential. Many young leaders in our churches today are seeing potential in communities or people groups or other young leaders. God is giving them visions of what could be. These same visionaries are being shot down by their elders simply because those elders/leaders have lost their own ability to see potential. Where one sees potential another sees a myth. As Mark Batterson says, "Everything's an experiment." As you develop leaders, allow them to fail. Allow them to pursue potential. Give them the shovel - hey, even be willing to jump right into the hole with them!! Because what you see as a 'childish myth' may actually be the world's next hidden treasure.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Just Hanging Out!

Today I'm going to be hanging out with a good friend of mine. His name is Austin Jones, and he and his wife are currently raising support to go to Alaska as missionaries to the Native Americans. Austin and I met about 2 months ago and God has created a real spiritual bond between us. Austin graduated from Zion Bible College in 2005 and has been working in Arizona the last couple years with Native Americans at American Indian College. He has become a very good friend and it's going to be good to hang out! Austin has an incredible heart for God and I am looking forward to what God has in store for him and his wife as they plant churches in Alaska!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What a Family!!

Wow! What a day. We had our Catalyst Picnic today, which is a group of pastors that have linked together to reach our region for Christ. It is so cool to be apart of what God is doing in this region through these guys! Today felt more like a family 'get-together' than it did a company picnic. It is always a blessing when you can work with people that feel more like family than colleagues. We played a few games of basketball, went swimming in the pool, ate some burgers and hot dogs, and now I'm exhausted, so that is all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Compare or Compel

In today's Information Age, it has become increasingly simple to see what churches around the country are doing. We have more contact with people and churches than ever before. We are able to see what the best and biggest are doing every week! We can research innovative churches like, National Community Church, or NewSpring. We can watch services from some of the country's largest churches like Lakewood Church, Saddleback Church, or Willow Creek Community Church. These are exciting days!!
The one problem that arrises, however, with this access to such incredible information is what we do with it. For many pastors, their goal is to be the next Mark Batterson or Joel Osteen. They long to see there church become Lifechurch or Saddleback. As great a vision as this is, it's not really a vision for your community. This week I've been reading about King Solomon in 1 Kings. His story is an amazing one. He is the one chosen to build the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. He is able to do something that no leader of Israel had ever done up to that point - to build a restingplace for the glory of the Lord. After reading about this incredible feat, you're hit with stories about how Solomon's Palace was even more spectacular than the Temple of God and of his incredible riches and his many wives. Finally, in the middle of 1 Kings 11, God makes this statement to him:

"11 Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. 12 Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son. 13 Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen."

Solomon became so wrapped up in his status and how he measured up to other kings around the world, that he had lost focus with what was really important. Consequently, God removed his hand of blessing from Solomon. As incredible as many of the churches I listed before are, God has not called us to be Craig Groeschel or Rick Warren. When the great churches of our country become our standard or measuring stick, we have completely missed the mark already. We have to get on our face before God and hear what God has for our community and our church! Go ahead - research the churches around the country that are on top of their game, and learn from them. But don't compare yourself to them. They are what they are because they are reaching those God has called them to. You need to be what God wants you to be to reach your community. Don't compare, but in seeing what they're doing, let it compel you to greater levels of excellence and creativity. Let it inspire you!! What do you think?