Friday, January 4, 2008

Information Overload

Living in the Information Age, we can at times (more often than not!) become overloaded and overwhelmed. I read an article in Reader's Digest and thought I'd share with everyone a short excerpt about this.


1. Spot the Signs. Feel alone even as you communicate with people all day? That's a signal technology is dominating your life.
2. Take baby steps. Try being inaccessible for short spurts to see what happens. The world probably won't implode.
3. Repeat these four words: "I have a choice." People who say, "My boss wants me to be reachable after 8PM" are likely exaggerating the control others have over them.
4. Set limits. Rein in office e-mail and instant message traffic. Who truly needs 35 daily FYI's on the Henderson case?
5. Give clear instructions. Try an e-mail signature that reads "I answer e-mail at 10AM, 1PM, and 4PM. If you need a quicker response, please call.
6. Make a task list. If you're interrupted, you'll get back to work faster if you have one.
7. Stick to a schedule. Handle recreational Web surfing and e-mail at set times. Dipping in and out is classic self-interruption.
8. Do a reality check. After five minutes of unplanned surfing, ask yourself, "Should I really be doing this now?"

You can read the rest of the article here.

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