Monday, October 8, 2007

Living the Bible Literally

Check out this video of a segment that was on the Today Show this morning. Tell me what you think!
Living biblically in the modern age
Living biblically in the modern age


darmarie said...

Oh, this is an interesting one. Just goes to show how trying to live a life according to the Bible in the absense of the Spirit is truly a joke. It just doesn't work and even comes to the place of being laughable. It also shows that knowledge without wisdom can be quite useless. I pray the Spirit gets a hold of this guy for real and prompts him to write his next book on the Incredible power of the "LIVING WORD MANIFEST BY THE HOLY SPIRIT". Thanks for posting it. Quite intersting. Hope your mom is doing well!
Darlene Grieco

Anonymous said...

he seemed to miss the Person of Jesus completely focusing on trying to do things right and become a better person. was sad. Beth Dougherty

Anonymous said...

Obviously, this is focusing on actions rather than relationship. Even so, I appreciate one major thing about this process.

The guy did do a great job establishing our imperfections and the need for a Savior. I would guess that most people don't stop and think about seemingly minor stuff like coveting or gossip or even lying.