Friday, November 9, 2007

The City of Brotherly Love...and Cheese Steaks!!

For those of you that don't know, I am in the middle of a little recruiting tour. I was out in Springfield, MO last week and am now in Philadelphia at VFCC. I have had a great time interviewing students and had the opportunity to share what God is doing in Pittsburgh in an urban ministry class yesterday. It's awesome to see college students who have a passion for inner city ministry! Then last night with a friend of mine (Rich Jones), I got to do what any sane person should do when in a Cheese Steak!! It was delicious!

On a side note, one thing I have been sharing with students at CBC and now VFCC that have a passion for church planting is something that we can often all be guilty of. In our human nature, and especially innate in church planters, we have this tendency to want to be independent and go it alone. To be the pioneer that blazes the trail. But God has not created us as independent pods working to establish His kingdom. He has created us as His own. We are adopted into His family - meaning we a part of something bigger. We should always have that connection to something bigger. As I mentioned in a previous post, it provides accountability. So today, ask yourself what am I connected to that is larger than myself?

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