Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ignite 07 Young Pastors Roundtable

This week I'm taking part in a conference here at Allison Park Church called Ignite07. It's always a powerful week of incredible speakers. Over the next few days, I'm going to post notes from some of the sessions. Here's the first one:


-There are no techniques or routines in life with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:28 - Everything in spirit-filled ministry is about releasing the grace of God.

Acts 2:42-47
Acts 4:32-33

3 Key Factors
1. The Sensitivity and Obedience to the Words of the Holy Spirit
-Acts 8:29-Philip, Acts 10:19-Peter, Acts 13:2-Paul & Barnabas Sent Out
-Everything is about listening and obeying the Holy Spirit
-“We cannot become spirit-filled if we live our lives as charismatic robots.”
-Don’t let people put you in a box - you need to follow the Holy Spirit at all times.
-This is the most important thing – to follow the Holy Spirit.
-Your life can change so fast just by obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
-Sometimes we have to give away what is in our hands in order to receive what God has for us.
-It’s not about reasoning, but obeying the Holy Spirit.
-Everything we have the Holy Spirit has done for us.
-The faster you flow in the Holy Spirit without reasoning things away, the faster your
churches will grow.
-You need to follow the Holy Spirit in every little thing – in every part of your day.
2. The Fellowship of the Believers
-Our fellowship is holy.
-Our moments together should not be wasted.
-Sometimes we take our fellowship lightly.
a. Oftentimes in ministry, there are many colleagues, but very few friends.
b. Faith
i. Faith is not denying, it is living.
ii. Faith is facing things as they are.
iii. Faith comes from deeper within.
c. Our fellowship needs to be real and genuine and true.
i. Relax – if you are really spiritual it will show.
ii. We don’t need to compare and compete with one another.
-When we are part of a fellowship that is holy, there is no reason to leave.
a. We stick because we are family.
b. We are a band of brothers.
3. The Supernatural
-There must be a stream of the supernatural running under everything we do.
-The Holy Spirit is there all the time.
-Acts 4:32-33

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