Monday, June 25, 2007

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Today I've finished my last step in unpacking, I unpacked my office. Glad to have that done, but now as I sit down and reflect - wow I am blessed!! Over these last few weeks I've been going over the synopsis of my life, reflecting back to past chapters and I've come to this realization. God has blessed me far more than I could ever deserve. Sure I've walked through valleys and been on mountaintops, but each of those experiences has deposited something of value into my life. I have a great family, great friends, and I live in the hometown of the Pittsburgh Steelers!!

Growing up I loved reading The Hardy Boys books. I would stay up late, reading in bed about all kinds of criminals and these two young brothers and their friend Chet hunting them down. The one thing I always loved about those books was the suspense and anticipation of what was going to happen next. Yesterday I turned the page into a new chapter of my life. I have a similar feeling of anticipation. I just can't wait to see the turns and twists God has for the rest of my story.

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